Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Could have sworn I have blogged about Wikis somewhere, but where I for the life of me I can't see where so here goes. I rather like editing an entry in Wikipedia. I updated the population of my town which satisfied my inner Reference Librarian (which isn't so inner). I'll bet there are people who traul Wikipedia looking for things to contribute and update. I a work envoronment I can see Wikis as being very useful for manuals, minutes etc.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is a bit belated but in a way it helps me to consolidate what I've learnt along the way. The thing I like about blogs and blogging is, like other forms of social networking, it connects you with people of similar interests to your own. What I don't like about it is that it can be a tad self indulgent. That said, I've been surprised how often I have gone off on a tangent, commenting on other people's blogs and generally exploring. This probably partly explains why my Learning 2.0 posts are rather haphazard. I can see numerous uses in the library. We could have a Book Group blog where the members that physically attend could discuss books with others who cannot attend. I think that writing for a client audience calls for a certain style or flavour of writing. I'm certainly not someone who can tolerate much laxity when it comes to grammar and punctuation etc, but I do think blogging should be informal and conversational because, after all, to some extent it is replacing actual in person interaction.

Social networking

It will be interesting to see how public libraries use social networking and web 2.0 tools in general. We have already started to see some really exciting, interactive things happening that should take us out of dark ages but I think we have to be careful with what we decide to use as too many bells and whistles can sometimes perhaps get in the way of what we are really trying to achieve.

Online Applications, file sharing, Google Docs

The number and variety of online applications is amazing and the idea of using software as a one off without the issues associated with downloading is appealing. Once library clients really start to latch on to some of these things we will really need to be on the ball as they will be expecting us to be.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


The possibilities are really limitless here aren't they. Author visits, poetry slams, anything really, provided participants give their consent. We don't want to reach the situation though where people would rather watch a podcast than visit the library for an event!


It took me a few goes but I finally managed, with help, to embed a video. There would be loads of library applications for this, but as someone has already commented, quality is important to consider


I found this a bit tedious and I had to revisit it later before I could make any sense of it. A bit like del.ici.ous I think that you have to be fairly selective about the feeds you choose and, quite honestly, I can't see myself using it outside of work. I can see uses for it in the library however as a useful tool to let people know about events, new resources etc.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


At last! For some reason I had trouble with this. Mashups in general are a bit of fun. The copyright implications had occurred to me. Just another to add to the pile of grey areas re copyright on the web I suppose, or copyright anywhere for that matter.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Slamming the Boards

I've always thought this was a great idea, in theory at least but feel that I am flat out answering our own clients' questions let alone taking on unsolicited questions. An idea that has occurred to me though is that it has potential as a library promotional event. In Library Week, for example, you could bring all the local librarians together in a visible space- public, Tafe, university, special, school and roster them to slam the boards.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I could see this used in a training situation as an icebreaker to highlight changing attitudes to libraries and librarian, after all, Cookie Monster has an expectation!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flickr for beginners

I now have a greater appreciation and understanding of photo sharing and can see that it definintely has applications in the library environment. It is easy to get lost amid the images.

This is Hat Head on the Mid-North Coast. My favourite place for a holiday.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Learning 2.0 or bust

OK, I've got this far. Actually I've got this far at least twice before but this time I will see it through