Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is a bit belated but in a way it helps me to consolidate what I've learnt along the way. The thing I like about blogs and blogging is, like other forms of social networking, it connects you with people of similar interests to your own. What I don't like about it is that it can be a tad self indulgent. That said, I've been surprised how often I have gone off on a tangent, commenting on other people's blogs and generally exploring. This probably partly explains why my Learning 2.0 posts are rather haphazard. I can see numerous uses in the library. We could have a Book Group blog where the members that physically attend could discuss books with others who cannot attend. I think that writing for a client audience calls for a certain style or flavour of writing. I'm certainly not someone who can tolerate much laxity when it comes to grammar and punctuation etc, but I do think blogging should be informal and conversational because, after all, to some extent it is replacing actual in person interaction.