Saturday, November 17, 2012


I'm more than a little embarassed that I haven't finished Web 2.1 yet. I think I have either used or at least been exposed to most of the tools but haven't blogged about them. I also can't believe that I blogged back in 2010 about $200 worth of patchwork fabric I bought to make a quilt for my daughter before she left home. Well guess what? I don't know where the material is and said daughter has flown the nest.
So Delicious... It always seemed to me like a good idea in theory but I manage to live without it. I think that as far as using it to access websites from multiple computers, for me my work internet use and my home use are quite distinct so I don't see much advantage. On my way to working out how to link my Twitter and Delicious accounts I did however stumble across the Delicious blog which wasn't a bad read. One post suggests about how you can tag your favourite recipe links down to the level of the major ingredients used. Say you have some avocados you want to use up you could search for that as a tag. If you haven't added your own tags yourself there are plenty of others who have.
I checked to see if there is a Delicious ipad app and there is, but sadly it doesn't rate more than 1 star .
All in all, I think I will keep an open mind about Delicious and try to think of ways we could use it in out library. I know when we upgraded our PCs it was a pain having to save bookmarks, many of which we rarely use. The sharing aspect of Delicious is the feature which we should explore more both for our clients as well as for our own use.